27 Dec 2013

Aloe Vera and Gastritis

Gastritis is a combination of various conditions, including irritation, inflammation or infection of the inner stomach wall. 

It is a very common condition that affects people of all age groups.
The cause is generally due to various conditions like stress, bacteria, injury, regular use of particular pain medication, overeating on certain foods, drinking too much alcohol, and many more.  

The symptoms are upper abdominal pain but it can also occur without feeling pain and some people suffer from a burning sensation higher up in the chest. Some people notice that consuming certain foods or drinks worsens the pain and some people also feel cramping or vomiting and feeling less energetic. Gastritis can occur suddenly but it can also develop slowly over time and become chronic. It is linked to hyperacidity and can lead to acid reflux syndrome, stomach ulcers and even cancer.

Conventional treatment consists of acidity reducing drugs in combination with a change in diet to avoid certain foods that aggravate the condition like fatty and refined foods, spicy foods, alcohol, coffee and carbonated as well as citrus drinks. Where the cause is due to bacterial infection (Helicobacter pylori) patients are also prescribed antibiotics.

There have been several studies on the efficacy of Aloe Vera for treating gastritis and stomach related problems. All of these studies suggested that Aloe Vera does have certain properties to alleviate the condition, however, not all studies have been conclusive.

Having been a long-term sufferer of Gastritis myself, I decided to do my own research by talking with fellow sufferers in person and via Internet, trying out various cures, studying various medical studies (I used to write for a medical publication) and so on.

One thing upfront, a change in diet IS necessary. It’s no good to take prescribed medicines and carry on eating or drinking the same foods. The symptoms might feel subdued or less obvious but you won’t get rid of the cause just by taking drugs if you continue eating and drinking as usual. Synthetic drugs are not a miracle cure and all pills have side effects.

If the main cause for gastritis is stress related you also have to find ways to reduce the stress somehow. I know it’s easier said than done but you’ll quickly figure out that if you don’t reduce the stress causing factors or at least accept them, you will feel a lot worse. Try and find something that works for you, whether its meditation, yoga and just accept what you can’t change… It’s tough I know but it’s not impossible!

Changing your eating habits is never an easy task but you will notice yourself that you instinctively start avoiding certain foods that you know will make you feel worse. That’s your body’s way of telling you what it needs and what you should avoid. Listen to your body, its not rocket science and the results are pretty much instant!

Most people I interviewed told me that they avoid processed, fatty, spicy foods and those with high sugar contents. Even for those who can’t cook or don’t enjoy cooking, swap that chocolate bar or the greasy hamburger for something natural. Instead of carbonated drinks or coffee drink herbal teas (for a lot of people hemp tea, chamomile tea and red tea works really well) water or certain smoothies that are gentle on the stomach. The great thing is that these days most super markets stock quite a large variety of natural and organic foods and most café’s and restaurants also cater to your needs if you ask them. 

Supplement your diet with natural cures, such as Aloe Vera juice or organic Aloe Vera capsules. One or 2 table spoons of natural organic Aloe Vera juice has helped countless people to cure their gastritis and in contrast to drugs that have a number of side effects, people found that it offers various other benefits, such as healthier skin, hair and nails, feeling more energetic and having a better metabolism. Admittedly the juice doesn’t taste very nice and the easiest way is to mix it into your food or a drink.  

Please note that Aloe Vera juice contains a small amount of Aloin and should not be used for people with liver problems. Higher doses of Aloin can also act as a gentle laxative and if you are in any doubt, consult with your doctor. None of the people I spoke to experienced any negative side effects apart from not liking the taste, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some people who might feel its not right for them.

There have been several controversial statements and studies in terms of Aloin and Aloe Vera. Take them with a pinch of salt unless you have studied the subject and you know exactly what parts of the plant have been used, in what context and so on…

Some studies only investigate isolated properties of the Aloe Vera plant but it is a well-known fact it is the overall combination of the plant’s ingredients, its synergy, that cause the plant’s beneficial effects. If a study only researches one or two properties without taking the others into account, of course the results can be totally different! If you look into various studies of the entire plant, there is overwhelming evidence that Aloe Vera has numerous proven benefits. I am not saying dismiss any study results but do your own research and compare that with thousands of testimonials of people who have used Aloe Vera for thousands of years!

For those who now yell ‘But it’s not FDA approved!’ Please!!!
I’m not even going there, here is a link that explains just a few reasons Why is Aloe Vera not FDA approved?

To clarify matters, Aloin only occurs in the outer green part of the plant and because most juices are not extracted by hand the Aloin content might be slightly higher but still minimal. If you find a source that harvests and produces the juice by hand, the content of Aloin is so low that it can hardly justify as a health risk.

In contrast to Aloe Vera juice, Aloe Vera gel is made only from the inner part of the plant and does generally not contain any Aloin. It can also be used instead of Aloe Vera juice for those who prefer it.

Taking Aloe Vera in capsule form is another alternative. There are various capsules on the market, however, I only trust in companies that retail strictly organic Aloe Vera, such as Aloe Vera and Aloeride

If you want to be absolutely certain about what you put into your body, get some Aloe Vera plants and make your own juice or gel…

As with all natural products, be sensible and don’t overdose, just because its good for you doesn’t mean the more you take the better it is for you… Always do your research and preferably buy organic Aloe Vera juice, such as Aloe Vera D-Gest or Aloe Vera D-Tox, and if you can from sources that harvests and extracts by hand. The price is slightly higher but the quality is definitely better.

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