6 Jan 2014

Aloe Vera and Hair Growth

Healthy hair is not something to take for granted. Millions of men and women worldwide suffer from hair loss, an itchy scalp, dandruff, hair thinning, dry or greasy hair, etc. 

There is a wide spectrum of reasons for any of the conditions. Some are the result of a bad diet, stress, as a secondary result due to various illnesses, hormones,  eczema, age, etc. 

Its not just a sign of vanity to want healthy hair, its an outward sign that we are healthy and that we take care of ourselves. Of course there is a potion for everything but for those more inclined to go natural and organic, Aloe Vera should be on the list as one of the top natural cures. Some of the best high-quality organic Aloe Vera supplements on the market are Aloe Vera and Aloeride

Many commercial hair and beauty products contain Aloe Vera, due to the fact that manufacturers have come to recognize Aloe Vera's beneficial properties, including Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E and over 20 essential minerals and enzymes that are required for hair growth and healthy hair. 

a) healthy hair, b) slightly raised cuticles,
c) severely raised cuticles, d) almost torn cuticle,
e) torn cuticle, f) knotted cuticle, g) damaged hair shaft 
Aloe Vera balances the scalp's ph-level and regulates the hair's sebum (an oily substance secreted by the hair glands). Excessive amounts of sebum easily attracts dirt particles, which together with the sebum will block the pores (seborrhea) and consequently restricts new hair growth and promotes partial baldness. 

Aloe Vera's antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties thoroughly cleanse the scalp, eliminate any dry skin particles, protect the scalp from bacteria and toxic substances and thoroughly moisturize the scalp whilst maintaining a natural balance. 

The result is an improved circulation of the scalp, which in turn leads to healthier hair, less thinning and more rapid growth. 

The results can be even more dramatic by further enhancing the circulation with a scalp massage, for example Indian Head massage. 

Alopecia Areata
The plant's anti-pruritic properties also reduce itching and dryness and have proven to be extremely beneficial for conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema, redness, scaling, itching and inflammation of the scalp. According to the Archives of Dermatology, over 80% of psoriasis patients showed improved skin and scalp when treated with Aloe Vera. 

Using Aloe Vera in hair products is also beneficial for women who use hair colorings, styling aids (hair dryers, curlers, hair irons, etc.). Aloe Vera gives the scalp some protection from harmful substances used in various hair products, such as bleaching agents, extreme heat and it also reduces swelling, redness and burns (applies to extreme heat when blow drying the hair or using hair irons or curlers that irritate the scalp).

Aloe Vera gel also has a similar composition to keratin, a protein that occurs naturally in hair cells, which means that the nutrients of the plant are absorbed evenly from the shaft of the hair to the tip of the hair. Aloe Vera contains lignins, one of the main building blocks of cellulose and is proven to penetrate the skin up to 7 layers deep, more than any other known substance. Given that the scalp is even more absorbent than the skin, it is self-explanatory that minerals and vitamins are absorbed faster and more profoundly and that ammonia-free hair colorings with Aloe Vera are gentler on your scalp and lead to a richer, more evenly distributed hair color. 

Given that beauty also comes from the inside, the best results are achieved when Aloe Vera is used as a topic, i.e. as an organic shampoo, conditioner or gel that can be massaged into the scalp  in combination with taking Aloe Vera Juice, Gel or capsules. 

In India for example many women also take organic silica in conjunction with Aloe Vera as they believe it adds further strengths and thickness to the hair and although there are no existent studies that prove this theory most Indian women seem to have very healthy and thick hair... Of course it goes without saying that a healthy diet also enhances the benefits of using Aloe Vera.

Top 10 Benefits of Aloe Vera for Hair:
  • maintains the skin's and scalp's natural ph-level 
  • relieves itchy scalps
  • reduces redness and inflammation of the scalp
  • promotes hair growth,
  • penetrates 7 times deeper into the scalp and hair,
  • it allows vitamins, minerals and other supplements within the Aloe Vera to be absorbed faster and more profoundly
  • moisturizes the scalp 
  • alleviates dandruff
  • strengthens the hair
  • adds a lustre shine to the hair 

Alopecia Areata
Alopecia is hair loss or baldness from the head and/or body and can have many causes, such as fungal infection, compulsive pulling, traumatic damage, iron deficiency, as a result of radio or chemotherapy, hormonal imbalances after pregnancy and so on. Androgenic alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss and is caused by an underlying susceptibility of hair follices to androgenic miniaturization. It affects around 70% or men and 40% of women at some stage during their lifetime.  

There are various types and severities of Alopecia and although Aloe Vera has been beneficial for all types of Alopecia due to its large spectrum of properties, in severe cases of Alopecia where there the follicles do not contain hair anymore (see below), the only options currently available are hair transplants or using wigs as the hair follicles have been completely destroyed.

1 comment:

  1. Zenwise Hair Growth - Formulated with 27 high-quality ingredients that are designed to not only revitalize and nourish your hair, but also to prevent vitamin deficiencies that may trigger hair loss in both men and women.
