23 Jan 2014

Aloe Vera and Cold Sores or Mouth Ulcers/Sores

Autumn and winter are usually 'high season' for colds and flu and with these illnesses it is pretty common for cold sores to raise their ugly head. 
Not only are cold sores highly contagious until they are dry and the scabs have disappeared, but they are also quite painful and ugly. 

Cold sores, also called fever blisters or herpes labialis are caused by the herpes simplex virus. It is an infection of the lips, mouse, gums or on the mucous tissue of the nose and appears as small painful blisters. There is no cure for cold sores, although there are creams, ointments and pills on the market that ease the symptoms and speed up the healing process. Once a person is infected, the virus will remain in the body for life and can re-appear when a person gets ill with cold or flu, through food allergies, stress or when there is an infection in the body. Some people are carriers of  the virus but show no symptoms and do not get cold sores. 

The virus is usually transmitted through touch, sharing eating utensils, drinks, razors or lipstick or through saliva when kissing an infected person. The virus enters where the skin is broken around the nose or mouth and can also spread to other areas of the body (genital herpes). 

Before the blisters appear, the area is usually sensitive to the touch and those who are affected know that this and a 'tingling' sensation are usually the first signs of a cold sore. Some people also experience fever, a sore throat or swollen glands. Once the blisters appear, the sores will eventually break and ooze a clear fluid which then crusts over before it disappears (usually a few days to 2 weeks). 

According to the Academy of General Dentistry, Aloe Vera speeds up the healing process and reduces pain. The plant's anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties also protect the skin and mucous tissue by providing nourishment through its amino acids, vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C.

To treat cold sores, apply Aloe Vera gel three times per day until the lesions have dried and make sure you wash your hands after each application as the virus is highly contagious. For cold sores on the mouth try Aloe Vera lip balm. Make sure not to share lip balm and dispose of the lip balm once your cold sores have cleared up in order to avoid cross infection. Cold sores inside the mouth can also be eased by swirling around Aloe Vera juice in the mouth before swallowing it. 

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